Michail Spathakis

Michail Spathakis

Medical Doctor

Dr. Spathakis graduated from the Medical School of Democritus University of Thrace (09/2020) with a degree of ‘’Very Good’’ 8,36/10 and is currently working on his PhD dissertation at the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Democritus University of Thrace titled ‘’Study of intestinal microbiota metabolites in the inflammatory and fibrotic processes of Inflammatory Bowel Disease for the potential development of post-biotic factors’’ under the supervision of Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Dr. Stergios Vradelis. He is a member of the Laboratory of Pharmacology under the supervision of Professor of Pharmacology Dr. George Kolios (10/2016) with active participation in research projects that have led to publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals (mean impact factor: 2,66) as well as presentations in conferences. From January 2022, he has been working as a Research Associate for the project “Individualised Medicine & Pharmacological Research Solutions Center (IMPReS)” (MIS 5047189). His research interests include the study of host-pathogen interactions and their association with disease development in humans.